Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tag, I'm it!

Have you ever played tag??? Well of course you have and guess what, I'm it! I was tagged by Mel Fowler over at Adventure Writes. Mel is also in the Campaign (but I've known her longer than that ;0) ).

All right here are the rules, I've been tagged. I will tell you 10 random things about me and then tag 5 other people. Enjoy.

10 Random Things

1- My favorite color is green.
2- I have two dogs named Barlow and Mudge.
3- I've snorkeled in Italy.
4- Master Chef is my favorite TV show.
5- I LOVE the Bloody Jack Series by L.A. Meyer.
6- I write to friend's brother in prison.
7- I relax best when I'm camping.
8- I love to learn (I'm nerdy like that).
9- I need to eat a little piece of chocolate every day.
10- I love old homes (mine is 112 years old).

and the lucky people to get tagged....

1- Jenn at Jenn Musing
2- Abby Fowers at Something to Write About
3- Samantha at Writing Through College
4- Susan Kane at The Contemplative Cat
5- Pam at 2 Encourage