Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Make a Ribbon Prayer Board

This past Saturday, a friend and I had a "craft" day. She made soda tab bracelets and I made a Prayer Board.

What is a Prayer Board?
A bulletin board that contains photos, notes, and scriptures to pray about. I often finish praying and then remember something I forgot. I wanted a visual reminder. 

What I used:
17" x 23" Bulletin Board (Target - $6.99)
Quilt Batting (used, from closet - $0)
1 Yard Fabric (JoAnn's Fabrics - $4)
9 ft. Ribbon* (JoAnn's Fabrics - $4)
Staple Gun
Push Pins**
Photos of loved ones
How to make:
I used the directions from DIY Network: How to Make a Ribbon Bulletin Board. This has nice photos and descriptions.  Note: I used push pins instead of upholstery tacks. I also used staple gun to secure ribbon instead of hot glue.

*Ribbon Tip: Make sure you have enough ribbon. 9 ft. was not enough, but I made do. 12 ft. would have been perfect.

**Push Pin Tip: Use push pins with longer spikes so it can make it through the fabric, batting, and cork. 


  1. I love that idea! I know exactly where I would post it!

  2. What a great idea! Once I organize my craft room, I might just make one. Btw, thanks for commenting on my blog a few days ago! Nice blog!

  3. Learn about the infinite possibility of prayer and how to effectively eliminate fear and doubt from your prayer life today! Adhan and prayer time


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