Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Source: prlog.org
On Sunday, we did a skit in church that took a look at football fans and church-goers (I was a church-goer). The church-goers were not shown in a favorable light -- They complained, they whined, they left church to go to breakfast.

The point: Sports fanatics will pay any amount of money, walk for miles to the stadium, and sit in the nose-bleed section -- all to see the game. 

As a Christian, are you willing to do the same?

Or, how about as a writer? 

What have you sacrificed?  Are you a fanatic?


  1. Good point. We do skits at church as well and the message of the drama (or comedy) often makes an impact that stays with people. Nice blog! Glad I found on the A to Z challenge! Blessings.

    1. Luana, I agree. Skits are a great way to make an impact!

      Thank you! So glad you stopped by!


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