Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Candy Shopping

This is a follow-on to my last post, which was a writing prompt: Pick One Thing.

Just sharing my response.

Candy Shopping

We went to NYC this weekend and one place we went was the Economy Candy Store. The adults were as excited as the children. As soon as we walked in, everyone scattered, searching for their favorite candies. I was looking for Ritter Sport Chocolate Rum Raisin.

We were as packed in the isles as the candy was packed on the shelves. I asked other parents to be on the search for my chocolate, but then I was completely side-tracked by a small round tin. My mouth dropped open and then I smiled like a child. There on the bottom shelf were little tins of hard candy like the ones I had as a child in Italy.

My favorite flavor was orange and I remembered that the little orange-shaped candies were coated in powdered sugar. I picked up the familiar tin and fond memories of the Italian market came back to me. I did find some Ritter chocolates, but not Rum Raisin, but that was okay because I had found something even better -- a sweet memory.


  1. I have wonderful memories associated with this candy also! We only bought it when we were on vacation so it was extra special. Loved the line "I had found something even better -- a sweet memory."

    1. Isn't that a neat connection? I remember Allen reading his memoirs to us about the candy store and how those memories were so strong. Why does candy mean so much to us?

  2. I am so glad you found them Dawn :) My Aunt used to buy them for us when we visited her, they are special to me as well :)

    I loved that candy store!!

    1. Patti,
      I know! It was so fun to see every child and adult searching for their favorites!

  3. I now want to go to Italy. I've never had that desire before...

    1. Chautona, I have some wonderful memories of Italy. I was fourth grade at the time.

      Here's a post about another Italian memory (with a photo):


  4. An economy candy store? For real. That sounds like heaven! I'm so jealous.


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