You’re a blogger. You have a password to log into your
You’re probably on facebook too. Another
On Twitter. Another password.
You have a bank account (or several).
Shopping sites. Passwords.
Your child’s school site. Password.
Work. Passwords.
With so many sites, many people use the same password! According to internet sources, 60-75% of us do this!
This is B-A-D!
If a site is compromised, a hacker could be
able to get into your other sites as well (possibly even your bank account).
Q: What can you do to protect yourself?
A: Create a [strong password] that is [easy to remember] and
[use variations of it] for your logins.
[strong password] = Two uppercase, two lowercase, two
specials, two number, 10-14 characters in length.
[easy to remember] = Use a phrase to help you remember it.
Example --
Phrase: Jimmy graduated on 5-6-10 at Clemson University, SC!
Password: Jgon5610@CUSC!
[use variations of it] = Switch parts of the phrase around to
create other passwords.
Example --
Original Password: Jgon5610@CUSC!
Variant Passwords: “5610Jgon@CUSC!” and “CUSC!Jgon5610” and
“56CUSC!Jgon10” and “@CUSC!5610Jgon”
So, as your Blogger Friend, I encourage you to create strong passwords and go out and get your sites updated. It will take a little time to do this, but it will take a lot less time than trying to mess with the hassle of of a compromised account!