Monday, September 9, 2013

Book Review: When the Heart Cries

First off, I don't do Amish Romance. Well, I used to say that until I read "When the Heart Cries" by Cindy Woodsmall (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 1).

The only reason I bought this book was 1.) I had taken a writing workshop presented by an Amish Romance editor out of curiosity and 2.) the book was $1 at a local book sale. I could afford that even if it was crap, but it wasn't. I really liked it AND I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Dawn's Recommendation: 5 of 5 stars

What I liked: Good conflict and serious life issues, written in a believable way. It wasn't mushy. It had the feel of real Amish culture and real people. I like all the characters, but my favorites were the MC, Hannah Lapp and her friends, Mary and Matthew. The love and support the three gave each other through terrible trials is encouraging to everyone who reads it. It makes me want to be like them.   

What I didn't like: a couple of situations were too obvious -- placed there by the author to build wrong impression (girl falls into boy and is seen by boy's girlfriend who imagines the worst - that kind of stuff), but it wasn't enough to take away from the book.

Overall, I REALLY, REALLY like it! Okay, I'm off to buy the next book in this series, "When the Morning Comes". I gotta find out what happens to Hannah Lapp!

1 comment:

  1. I've read this series and thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree, it felt authentic for the most part and it was a fast read.


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