Monday, April 6, 2015

A to Z Devotion: E is for Eating

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"So, whether you eat or drink..., do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

"Daniel determined within himself not to become defiled by the king's menu of rich foods or by the king's wine, so he requested permission from the chief officer not to defile himself." Daniel 1:8 (ISV)

I came down with Shingles in mid-March and a friend told me about foods to avoid and foods to eat when you have Shingles. So, of course I wanted to get over Shingles as soon as possible, so I cut out chocolate, sugar, and peanut butter and began a diet high in veggies, eggs, yogurt, and fruits. I also began taking lysine supplements. I think the combination helped with the severity and duration.

This experience, though, has helped get me more focused on what I put into my body, even when I am well. Some foods promote healing, while others promote disease. 

Father, Help me to think before eating, help me to choose healthy foods that glorify You and do not defile my body. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Have you ever had to go on a special diet? What did you learn?


  1. I don't know that I've ever *had* to go on a special diet, but I *have* chosen to change my diet for either weight loss or health-improvement reasons. Our family now eats plant-strong because of the anti-cancer anti-heart-disease properties of such a lifestyle. What have I learned? Anyone can change if the inner motivation is strong enough.

    1. Yes, we can all change, esp. will God's help. :0)

  2. "Think before eating." Great advice, Dawn! Not easy to implement but with God's help it IS possible!

  3. For the last four or five months I've been really careful with what I eat. The result: I've had hardly any indigestion (something that had been getting worse by the day) and I've lost about 28 lbs in weight (which I needed to do). I've just cut out cakes and biscuits and snacks inbetween. If I'm peckish inbetween meals I have a few almonds.

    1. Keep up the great work! I notice too that if I watch what I eat I have no heartburn or indigestion and don't need to take antacids.


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