Sunday, January 22, 2012


Source: Amazon
I finished reading Betrayed by J.M. Windle. I attended two of Ms. Windle's workshops at Susquehanna Writer's Conference last year and I enjoyed her information so much that I bought one of her books.

Here's what I thought of this book:

1. I really enjoyed the Christian aspect and theme that ran through it. I also liked how she introduced a Bible story through one of the characters. It was a clever way to do it that did not make the reader feel lectured to. She carried that lesson through the story -- in fact, that lesson changed the character's life (and her future decisions).

2. Her world-building is strong! I felt as if I was in the tropical rain forest -- her description was that vivid. She also knows her stuff on politics and corruption in Guatemala and that makes the setting really believable.

3. It was a good murder mystery with twists. It was neat how the entire book (past and present of character) connected together. That is some good writing to make it all fit together so nicely.

This is not the type of book I usually read, but I enjoyed it and learned a lot (about writing and about 3rd world politics).

What did you learn from the last book you read?


  1. Well Well Well,

    Looks like a great book. Let me check on it myself!!

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