Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photo Writing Prompt - Purple Flower

Writing Exercise: Write a drabble about this photo. 
Drabble -- an extremely short work of fiction of exactly one hundred words in length.
My response is below.

Photo by Toby Hamsher, 2011 (Maine)
Clothed in Majesty
by Dawn M. Hamsher

I look out over the rough grasses and all that the Lord has made. I stand tall, and for good reason. I am clothed in purple, like my master, and I announce to all that I was made by him. I reflect the son with every fiber, with every petal of my being, and because of his glory, I have been crowned by him. But, it is more than that. He loves me and he also calls me friend. I am much more than a pretty face. I am holy, in Christ. 

How do you reflect the love of Christ?


  1. Beautifully written, beautifully done!

  2. Josie, Thank you so much! It's been a nice Sunday, reflecting on Christ.

  3. This is just beautiful! A great reminder of why purple is such a majestic color.

  4. Brianna, Thanks! I'm going to do occasional photo prompts. They won't all be flowers though.


I appreciate your comments! I try to respond to each one.