Monday, December 15, 2014

Small Seed for 12-15-14

Make Peace This Christmas.

"Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another." Romans 14-19

Our Sunday School teacher asked today, "What is holding you back from having a wonderful Christmas?" 

Someone answered, "Grief." 

I didn't answer out loud, but I thought, "Family discord."

Several members of my family are fighting and are not speaking to each other. It's on my mind all the time and I lift it up in prayer, all the time. I pray that they can get past blame and anger and focus on peace.

God's peace is more than we can comprehend. It saves us. It redeems us. It gives us God's power -- sometimes to forgive, even when we can't ourselves. 

I pray this Christmas for you. That whatever is holding you back from experiencing God's full and abundant life, that you turn to the author of peace....and then, in gratitude, you extend peace to others.

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