Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Small Seed for 12-2-14

How great are you?

Now came an argument among them as to which of them would be greatest in the coming Kingdom! But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he stood a little child beside him and said to them, “Anyone who takes care of a little child like this is caring for me! And whoever cares for me is caring for God who sent me. Your care for others is the measure of your greatness.” Luke 9:46-48 (TLB)
I like this version. If you care for people, you care for God. And, that is the measure of your greatness. Wow. 

How do you measure up right now? What rating on a scale of 1-10 would you give yourself? How can you care for people better? Write down 5 ways. Commit to do them. Pray for God to help you.

Prayer focus: Clean water in 3rd world countries.
Action Step: Show love in some way to another person. Suggestion: Notice someone today, make eye contact, and say hi. Comment on something that they are wearing or something they are doing.

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