Friday, January 9, 2015

Small Seed for 1-9-15

How Patient Is God? 

How true it is, and how I long that everyone should know it, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—and I was the greatest of them all. But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as an example to show everyone how patient he is with even the worst sinners, so that others will realize that they, too, can have everlasting life.” 1 Timothy 1:15-16 (TLB)

Patience is hard for me, but it is worth striving for. I thank God for His patience with me. I see how long it has taken me to spiritually mature (and I’m still working on it) and I imagine God saying, “When is she going to get it?!” But, I am so thankful that we have a patient God! If not, He would have given up on us long ago.

Another lesson in patience for me has been in prayer. I’ve been praying for 9 years for my sister to accept Christ. She knew about Him. She rejected Him. And now, after 9 years, she has accepted Him, re-affirmed her Baptism, and is attending church. Patience (and prayer) is worth it!

What is hard for you? Do you struggle with patience? 

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