Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Attributes of Writers - C

Writers are a special breed. We have unique qualities that help us make music with our words. Those same qualities might also put us in the loony bin, but isn't it worth it?! So, pull up a chair, let's explore our "specialness" together through the A to Z Challenge. If we can understand our attributes as writers, we can be cured, right?                   Dawn (P.S. Thanks for stopping by. Writing is lonely and I need your company!)

Photo by Dawn M. Hamsher, 2013

A writer is...

Critical -
(of self) - nit-picky to rip apart tough

I'm not good enough. No one wants to read what I write. I'll never get published. Why do we focus on the negative? God gave us a passion for writing. We need to throw "critical" out! You CAN write. You CAN get published. You HAVE the power to succeed! 

What critical aspect do you focus on? How do you kick it to the curb?


  1. Yes we are our own worse critics but, that said, it can make us work that bit harder. Believing in myself is what helps me kick my own critical eye to the curb. We must believe somewhere deep down that we are good at this, otherwise we wouldn't do it!

    1. Fran, Yep, it is good when it makes you work harder. I know some, though, that let is dragged them down and they don't write. That's when it is not good.

      Keep writing! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Replies
    1. LOL. Make sure it has good frosting (I'm a frosting girl)!

  3. I Self-talk positive things to myself.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  4. I think as writers, we are often out own worst enemies, always looking for the things that are wrong with our manuscripts. Chocolate works and a few good CP's to remind me that my manuscripts are all that bad :) Distance I find works as well. Sometimes I will step away from a manuscript for a few days, then come back to it with a fresh, less-critical perspective.

    1. Trisha, I know...thank goodness for good CPs! We need them for sanity.

  5. You are doing a great job with this series, Dawn. My biggest criticism of my work is that it is so ordinary. But then I remember how much I love to read about the "ordinary" in other peoples lives and what they have learned from life. My hope returns that others will learn some helpful tidbit about life from what I write.

    1. Thanks, Pam, glad you like it! Your work is not ordinary. It is life nuggets of truth! :0)

  6. am but i cope by trying to take more pictures than usual! :D

  7. "My drawings are crap, a blind panda could do better.", I kick my self-doubt by doing these drawings for myself in the first place and if other people like them that's a bonus and they rock.

    1. Writing should be the same. Write what you like (for yourself). Draw what you like and if others like it, it's icing!

  8. Love your photos and humor. I am always self-critical, and it's a habit I need to break. I try to focus on writing for its own sake and pleasure, but it gets hard sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. I'm a new follower!

    1. Elaine, Thank you! I wanted to have fun with A to Z (and not get to serious this year).

      Thanks for following!

  9. I like your images with your posts - what fun!

    Popped by from the AtoZ Challenge.

  10. It's funny to think on it but when I am in the "my writing is all crap" mood, it triggers the "who cares? I am writing to myself" relief valve. After a little while, I will just resume the writing.

    Father Dragon Writes

    1. Al, I need that relief valve (or bat phone)...LOL.

  11. Great post. I'm critical about my photography.

  12. I'm going through a very critical period over writing. I'll let you know when I figure out how to kick it to the curb.

    1. Brianna, the season will pass. You have a lot going on and your focus is on raising little one(s). There will be time. For now, write what you can, when you can, but if you can't, let it go.

  13. In my genre, independent of competence, one can either write erotica or accept that your work won't sell well. I'm trying to be cheerful about single figure sales. :)

    1. Elin, I believe I must be true to myself and beliefs when I write and that God will take care of the rest. I hope that for you too.

  14. I'm critical of the fact I am not as poetic as some writers.

    1. Alex, It's probably good you're not -- it wouldn't do to all be poets ;0). I'm sure you have other great writing gifts!

  15. It is easy to become so overwhelmed by how well others write and so critical of my own writing that I stop and sometimes want to give up. I do best if I leave it for a while and come back to it with a fresh mind and after I have done something that helps clear my head and chase those nasty thoughts away.

    Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge

    1. Denise, Yeah, it's not to compare. Taking a break is a good idea (as long as you come back)!


I appreciate your comments! I try to respond to each one.