Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Attributes of Writers - O

Writers are a special breed. We have unique qualities that help us make music with our words. Those same qualities might also put us in the loony bin, but isn't it worth it?! So, pull up a chair, let's explore our "specialness" together through the A to Z Challenge. If we can understand our attributes as writers, we can be cured, right?                   Dawn (P.S. Thanks for stopping by. Writing is lonely and I need your company!)

Photo by Toby Hamsher, 2006
A writer can be...

Oblivious -
having a one-track mind, not able to hear screaming children or barking dogs

When I write, I tune out the TV, the dogs, and the family. If the family tries to get my attention, they know 1.) I might not respond or 2.) I might roll my eyes and sigh heavily at the interruption. Hey, it's just a fact of life.

Are you oblivious? Got any cute stories?


  1. I have to listen to music on headphones to block out everything else.

    Moody Writing

  2. When I write or read hours and hours can fly by. I don't get hungry and forget that other family members might be. Then Dick will gently say, "Pam are we having supper tonight?" LOL

  3. I, too, have a very gentle and patient husband, who usually brings me a banana or some ice cream when he asks, "Are we having anything else for supper?"

    1. Joan, Your hubby sounds like a good man. Gentle, but still gets the point across. :0)

  4. Just checking in on your blog. I write the stories in my head first. Like noisy places. You mean your hubby doesn't fix you your supper?!
    Just kidding. Margareta

  5. I don't have any cute stories... but I am pretty oblivious, both when I'm writing and when I'm reading... more so when I'm reading. People can talk to me and I might even respond, but I have no memory later of them ever saying anything!

    If I'm getting really into it (reading or writing) I may start reading out loud... or shouting at characters who are being evil... and such... then BEWARE any who might try to interrupt, because you might get yelled at! (I will not be yelling at the interrupter, but they may not realize that until later)...

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    1. I am like that too! I get so involved. My family talks to me and I never hear them. They should learn.

  6. My brother used to say the house could burn down around me if I was reading a book. I tune out the world when I read.

    1. Rebecka, I hear ya and I love it when I can get that into a book!

  7. No cute stories here. I am so far in the zone though that I don't think I'm ever getting out sometimes :D

  8. Just now - I'm trying to write tomorrow's blog post and Makayla is saying, "Mommy" over and over wanting to show me a picture she drew, Dan 'grabs' my computer to show me something on and the baby is kicking me like crazy! And I'm like, "Sure, I'm not doing anything."

  9. Oh Gosh! I am oblivious often and completely. My kids can be standing right next to me talking at high volumes and with speeds unknown to men or small animals and I will not hear one single shred of their conversation if I am otherwise occupied. They know this, yet they continue to talk until I turn to them and say “what? Are you talking to me?” This is their cue to say “Mooo-ooom” with exasperation and repeat e-very-thing that I did not hear the first time. Sometimes I tune right back out. Ha. My mom said I have had this gift since I was a small child. Hahaha

    1. Elizabeth, It could be a gift, just depends on how you look at it! :O)

  10. I would clean my brushes in my drinking water and then drink from it and think nothing of it...mmhh blue

    1. Jette, Well, "blue" could be good if it was Koolaid.

  11. I am oblivious when I watch television and read. Not so much when I write so I am going to have to work on that! Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge
    Denise Reashore on Facebook


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