Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Attributes of Writers - N

Writers are a special breed. We have unique qualities that help us make music with our words. Those same qualities might also put us in the loony bin, but isn't it worth it?! So, pull up a chair, let's explore our "specialness" together through the A to Z Challenge. If we can understand our attributes as writers, we can be cured, right?                   Dawn (P.S. Thanks for stopping by. Writing is lonely and I need your company!)

Photo by Dawn M. Hamsher, 2013
Writers can be...  Nasty -
when writing, leave them alone

I often yell at my family to turn down the TV so I can concentrate. I've even stomped off with laptop in hand to find a quiet place. 

Have you ever flipped out on your family while writing?


  1. The goat is class! No, I haven't done that I think I just annoy them with all my painting stuff lying around...

    1. Jette, The goat is what I turn into sometimes. LOL. I leave my writing stuff lying around too, but that annoys just me (not the family) and I have no one to blame, but myself. Pitiful.

  2. Last night was a classic example of how I lost my cool. I sucked in a gob of air and blew out as loud as I could. That's usually how I handle it. The Sweetman was on a three-way conference call. I know I'm going to have to go back and write in details that I missed.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, Yeah, we all lose it. Thank goodness God gives us second chances, third chances, fourth chances...(you get the picture). ;0)

      Thanks for sharing.

  3. Often. In fact, I now no longer write when they're around. Too noisy.

    My Writing Blog
    My Life Blog

  4. All the time. I like silence when I write, and in a house with a three-year-old, a six-year-old, and husband who likes the TV turned up to eighty billion, quiet is hard to come by. So yes, I do get cranky. :)

  5. Oh I'm fairly certain that my family thinks I'm anti-social sometimes, since I tend to just lock myself in my room for hours at a time. For writing, of course :D

    1. Samantha, Yes, but we know the truth. You are a sweetheart, you just need some quiet time.

  6. I don't tend to be nasty while I'm writing, but I definitely am straight afterwards. That jolt from my imagined world back to the real one always leaves me in a foul mood. My husband's learned to avoid me as such times!

    1. Oh, never thought about that! It is tough coming back to the real world. Thanks for commenting, Angeline!

  7. I get crankiest with the dog, because she never seems to understand my reasons for "Not Now!" ;-)


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