Monday, April 15, 2013

Attributes of Writers - M

Writers are a special breed. We have unique qualities that help us make music with our words. Those same qualities might also put us in the loony bin, but isn't it worth it?! So, pull up a chair, let's explore our "specialness" together through the A to Z Challenge. If we can understand our attributes as writers, we can be cured, right?                   Dawn (P.S. Thanks for stopping by. Writing is lonely and I need your company!)

Photo by Toby Hamsher, 2013
A writer is...

Motivated -
driven, focused on the writing goal

What causes us to spend hours writing (often without food or water)? Is it the thrill of the story, wondering where it will go? Is it the hope of publication? Whatever it is...we've got it and we've got it good.   

What's your writing goal right now? 
What motivates you to write?

My current goal is to get my hand-written edit typed back into the computer. I've been stalling for months and months. Recently, as I prayed, I felt God nudging me to work on it.  I love it when God motivates and encourages me!


  1. Firstly, you do archery? So cool! I don't really have a goal...I just want to get my ideas on paper.

    1. Jette, I've only done it once, but I looked cool, didn't I?!

  2. In often feel like giving up, but my feeling is I'll give up once i have completed what I'm working on, not in the middle. Keeps me going.

    Moody Writing

  3. Hello, Dawn! Good luck with your goal! I write in freehand, so I understand the procrastination of typing your edits back into the computer. But it definitely does help with revision. Good luck!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. I actually didn't freehand the first draft, but I did freehand the edits, so basically I need to retype the whole thing back in.

      Thanks for your comment!

  4. I am currently re-revising what I initially believed was a finished manuscript. After receiving feedback from an amazing free lance editor, I have some major story structure changes to make. I am motivated to finally complete my first novel and becoming a published author. I enjoyed your post and completely related to it. I also write in freehand ( I am much more creative when I write than when I type), but it does create the added, daunting task of transferring all of my handwritten work to my laptop. Good luck with your editing. I am delighted to be your newest follower from the A to Z challenge.

    1. First, I love your name. Melissa Sugar -- that is so sweet! Good luck on your revision!!!! Thanks for following.

  5. I'm glad you're motivated. That's some task you've set yourself. And by simply typing, you can't find the joy of creation. Best to compose on the computer for your next one. Then, you can print it off if you want to and you won't need to do all that work.
    A - Z Challenge

    1. Francene, I do compose on the computer, but for the revision, I printed and freehanded the edits. That's why I have to type it back in. Ughh...

      Thanks for stopping by for A to Z!

  6. That picture fits perfectly today. I just had my son at the store to have his arrows repaired :)
    Glad your editing is going well!

    1. T., Thanks! Appreciate you taking time to comment!

  7. Being motivated is a good thing. I accomplish a lot when I am.

    1. Ruth, Me too. Wish I had more free time for writing.

  8. I wrote about motivation too :)
    Now if only I can channel my motivation to run into writing.

  9. Dawn, thank you for passing motivation on to the rest of us!

  10. I wish I was a bit more motivated right now! Though I think we, are writers, find the most unique ways to be motivated. :)

    1. Krista, I think you're right! Writing prompts alone can be pretty unique.

  11. I have to use a goal system, otherwise I will never get anything done. Right now my goal is focusing my energy on the A to Z Challenge. Once, April is over, I will start focussing on writing and finishing a WIP. Plus, Camp Nano in July is going to kick me in gear to finish another project. Woot!

    Great post. :)

    Julia at

    1. Julie, Can you tell me more about your goal system? I'd really like to know. I think it could help me.


I appreciate your comments! I try to respond to each one.